London Autism Service promotes advocacy for autistic people, seeing neurodiversity as a difference and not a deficit.

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What we Offer

We provide diagnostic assessment and advice for children and adults who may be autistic, through a multi-disciplinary approach.

London Autism Service provides a comprehensive diagnostic assessment and post diagnostic advice for children and young people with suspected autism.

We are  a team made up of clinical psychologists, speech and language therapists, nurses, and specialist ASD teachers and occupational therapists that work together to provide a multi-disciplinary approach to autism assessments as well as post diagnostic support.

Our clinicians are trained in the use of The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule 2 (ADOS-2) which is considered to be a ‘gold standard’ assessment recommended by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) as part of the diagnostic assessment process for Autism Spectrum Disorder.  It is an internationally recognised tool,  to assist the clinical assessment and contributes both observations and quantifiable results via the diagnostic algorithm and the comparison score.

We deliver the Autism Diagnostic Interview - Revised (ADi-R) to gain information about our client's current behaviour as well as their presentation of needs in the past. This is considered ‘gold standard’ practice to support the autism assessment.

At the London Autism Service we provide a clear and structured autism diagnosis pathway and specialise in providing advice and support before and after a diagnosis. Our post-diagnosis support is tailored and bespoke to individual needs. We combine therapeutic interventions, clinical and educational advice. We can also tailor our advice to matters relating to Education, Health and Care Plans.

We aim to fully support you and your child throughout the process. Please get in touch with us for more information or book a free 10 minute telephone call.

Our Services


Systemic Family Therapy

Autistic people often experience difficulty with knowing how to communicate with others, developing & maintaining friendships & relationships. They can also find it difficult to manage changes.


Clinical Psychology

Our psychologists are involved in the process of diagnosing both children and adults as autistic. We recommend appropriate treatment programs, and support the process of evaluation, benchmarking and ongoing assessment.

Occupational Therapy

We all have seven senses. Children and adults presenting with Autism can struggle with Sensory overload. This can present in many ways, such as challenging behaviour, withdrawal and complete shutdown.


Educational Psychology

An educational psychologist helps children or young people who are experiencing problems within an educational setting . We can assess your child’s learning and emotional needs by observing and consulting with our multi-therapy team.

Speech & Language Therapy

Communication is one of the main areas of difficulty experienced by individuals on the Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Speech and language therapy intervention will be individualised for each individual.


ASC Teacher

With many years experience teaching in an ASC specific school, a teacher will bring practical solutions to issues that occur at home and at school. This can be implementing a support plan for behaviour, coaching the whole family in a communication strategy.